
-I had never have so many imaginary friends as now.
-Art is probably not fun or source of irony as it has not one mention at favrd.
-I have very short patience for video. Some blogs are full of YouTube screens!
-The world had never been so united as on 5th November.
-The only people that believe I am Dutch are the foreigners.
-Do I still know what Mexico is?
-The rain drops make profound sound as thye hit the accumulated autumn leaves
-I never thought of inheriting shoes from my son.
-Prediction: there are going to be many babies named Obama the coming months (or years
-Make art not war.
-Flying low to see with my own eyes.
-Wondering, Michelle Obama 2016?
-How is it one day later? Nov 6th
-Black is the new white Nov 5th
-I read the news at distance: Drama wins elections. Typical early morning dyslexia.
-Fighting for my face.
-Blogging for the bloggers
-It's a blog's life.
-I am glad my name is not Sarah.
-In a restaurant, if some food from your plate falls to the floor, where everybody walks, would you make an effort to clean it?
-The rain convinces me to stay at home. 9:53 AM Oct 24th from HelloTxt
-Bringing the books in order reminds me of all the ones I want to read ( and I will not).
-Joe the Plumber is the new American citizen. Oct 16th –
-One 'billion' in English is one 'milliard' in Dutch is '100 millions' in Spanish. Much talk about big amounts of money and so much confusion.
-Is clearing her vision by cleaning the windows.
-Is not so good in priorities.
-I live in a country where people are not so good in apologizing or saying thanks. Two misers, it could be a lot easier -at least for me-.
-Trying to start with the right foot.
-It is sad because the most handsome man died. Sep 29th
-The hand is the size of the face.
-The symbol of the financial crisis has become the 'lehman brothers (ex-) employee with a carboard box leaving their offices.
-I suppose being the 'runner up' at the elections wouldn't mean that much.
-If I live as long as my father I can count with 19 years more of life, as my grandmother that will be 50 years more.
-I am in my hands.
-Suspects someone has been stealing a few hours of her day every day for the last months.
-Marisa is placing little boxes in bigger boxes.
-Dutch: they give many latin names to a baby to call them Ad or Ben or Kees. But street names you have to say complete and they are long.
-Marisa is getting nearer to stepping on Spanish soil. Sep 12th
-The neck is controlling my body.
-I thought 'Fannie' and 'Freddie' were the last hurricanes or a new film by a Nordic filmmaker.
-Botox wins in Venice.
-I expect a lot of this average Sunday
-Palin has inspired the best of @favrd. Thanks.
-Thinks some people have frightening avatars.
-At school we were not allowed to write on our hands.
-I was taught at school not to start sentences with I.
-I just made a decision that made me feel better. Aug 30th
-I wish people changed avatars less often.
-We were not meant to discard things.
-Do you also wish you could throw away things easier?
-Just received a letter that completely woke me up.
-Tomorrow back into the old trail.
- Living being back.